Genusskoarl introduces himself.

In October 2016, Karl Severin Traugott founded the Genusskoarl company in Vienna with a clear vision: to develop high-quality seasonings that not only delight the palate, but also respect the environment. From the beginning, honesty was important to us and this was reflected in every step of our journey.

The development of our Viennese seasoning required a year of hard work and intensive cooperation with Professor Henry Jäger from the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Institute of Food Technology. Our corporate goals were always clearly defined: 100% organically controlled cultivation, regionality and sustainability. We wanted to ensure that all raw materials were sourced directly from Austrian organic farmers to minimize the environmental impact.

Naturalness, handcraft and dedication were essential for us from the start. Our products should be free of additives and aids because we believe in the power of natural flavors. We focused on the essentials and attached great importance to the careful production of our seasonings.

The Viennese spice and our philosophy were not only well received by end consumers. In autumn 2018, WienerWürze impressed two juries and was named Organic Product of the Year 2018 and Vegan Product 2018 . At the Start Up Show 2 Minutes 2 Million, Genusskoarl was once again able to win over the jurors with the WienerWürze and secured the REWE Start-Up Ticket .

Sendung 02MIN 2MIO Gerry Frank

Expansion of production

Since the original production facility was bursting at the seams, the entire production moved to one of the newly built neighboring halls in autumn 2019. The new premises gave us the opportunity to store raw materials on site until they are used and to improve our production processes. A certified quality management system has been implemented to ensure the highest
to ensure standards.

New design & hearty range expansion

In 2020 we took a significant step when we introduced a new design and brand identity and launched TirolerWürze. But it didn't stay that way, because we firmly believed in expanding our product range.

With each addition to our product line, we stuck to our principles:
Naturalness, handcraft and dedication. Our products were free of additives and additives and were manufactured with respect for the environment and resources.

In spring 2021 we happily welcomed the SchoarfeWürze
with organic Carolina Reaper chilies from JULIBERG to delight fans of spicy enjoyment. With the salad seasoning , paired with fruity organic sour cherry vinegar, we made it possible for salad lovers and chefs who need to be quick to conjure up a simple and quick salad dressing.

Genusskoarl Produkte Flatlay Sortimentsübersicht

New product line

The next highlight of our culinary journey was product development for a
Chickpea miso . In summer
In 2021 we were able to fill the first glasses, which our customers and a jury alike
convinced. It received the award before the official launch
“Culinary Pioneer 2021”. After successful presentations
At the end of the year, it was named organic product of the year 2022 at public trade fairs. This makes chickpea miso the second member of the family to be honored with this title.

Organic soy sauce & miso

In 2022, no stone should be left unturned. In the spring, after a long preparation period, we launched our organic soy sauce, which is characterized not only by its fruity taste, but also by the following properties: "grown, brewed and bottled in Austria". This soy sauce is a prime example of the current “New Glocal” food trend, which combines the global availability of products with a strong connection to regional origin.

And finally, in another act of creative culinary development, we welcomed Mugi Miso in the fall of 2022 - a
Delicacy made from soybeans and rolled barley, which expanded our range and underlined our mission to offer incomparable taste experiences.

“grown, brewed and bottled in Austria”

Thomas Gigl von der Firma Ehrenwort und Karl Severin Traugott von Genusskoarl präsentieren die Teriyaki Mischung

Zero waste through cooperation

In addition to the three new members of the Genusskoarl family, another project on the topic of “zero waste” was worked on in 2021. In cooperation with the company Ehrenwort. Moments of enjoyment are given to the pressed residues of the Wiener Würze, which were previously used as fertilizer by organic farmers in the area, a second life and find a new use when mixed with other organic spices. The result is three unique spice mixtures that not only taste good, but also do good.

Anyone who knows Genusskoarl knows that more projects will follow.

Our values

Our corporate philosophy, characterized by honesty, 100% organically controlled cultivation, regionality, sustainability, naturalness, handcraft and dedication, without additives or aids, as well as a focus on the essentials and a respectful treatment of nature and people, are the cornerstones of our success story. We are proud to offer you condiments that are not only delicious, but also stay true to our values. Take a look at our range and discover the Genusskoarl family.

Awards and seals of quality

  • Logo des österreichischen Bio-Verbandes BIO AUSTRIA
  • Bioprodukt des Jahres 2022 Kichererbsen Miso von Genusskoarl
  • Logo der AMA Genussregion Manufakturen
  • Selected 2022 Genusskoarl
  • Logo der Austria Bio Garantie - der Biokontrollstelle von Genusskoarl
  • Logo des Magazin A la Carte für den Shop von Genusskoarl 2022
  • Logo der Initiative So Schmeckt Niederösterreich Partner
  • Logo Veganes Produkt des Jahres 2018 - Bio WienerWürze durch die Vegane Gesellschaft Österreich
  • Logo Bioprodukt des Jahres 2018 - Bio WienerWürze durch die Messe Wieselburg
  • Karl Severin Traugott


    The Genusskoarl himself. Ensures good taste.

  • Tea Wimmer

    Marketing & PR

    Creative mastermind with passion and conviction for sustainability and enjoyment

  • John Swoboda


    Ensures that our
    Taste miracles are available wherever they are needed.

  • Peter Matok


    The “handler” who ensures that seasonings are created from raw materials

  • Sascha Dehn

    Production & quality management

    Our German import hit that makes sure we don't run out of spices and raw materials.

  • Victor Cerny


    Der Neuling mit Gewissenhaftigkeit: Hält die Produktionslinie am Laufen und bringt frischen Wind in jedes Glas

  • Rudolf Meran


    Unser charmanter Botschafter: Serviert unsere Bio-Saucen mit einem Lächeln und lässt auf Messen keine Frage offen

  • Kilian Gappmayer


    Unser Einsatzprofi: seine helfende Hand ist immer zur Stelle, wenn es turbulent wird