Gregor Mittermayr from ackerlhof in the beautiful Mühlviertel in Upper Austria produces excellent organic tofu, known by its name, from its own organic soybeans Mühlviertler Bohnenkas . In addition to the natural bean cheese, there are now two excellent variants that are refined with Viennese spice. On the one hand, there is Mühlviertler Bohnenkas in Juice and on the other Mühlviertler Bohnenkas smoked . The Bohnenkas is available in the farm shop, in selected shops in the greater Linz area and of course also in Online shop .
The Genusskoarl is of course particularly pleased that two products complement each other to absolute perfection.

Marinated in Viennese spice overnight, finely smoked in the morning with beech wood using a gentle rub-smoking process.
As a snack, in dumplings, steamed with vegetables or fried. Its fine beech smoke aroma seduces with hearty, light enjoyment.

Tasty marinated with Genusskoarls Viennese spice from the Weinviertel, lemon, ginger, sesame oil and turmeric. Ready-to-eat, complete with juice, for frying, steaming or whatever. Perfect for grilling!