Rindsbraten mit Wurzelsauce und WienerWürze, einer Lupinenwürzsauce von Genusskoarl

Roast beef with root sauce

The holidays are just around the corner and with them comes the question of what should I cook for my family? One of the classics is the roast beef and rightly so. It can be prepared excellently so that you can take care of it starter and can take care of the guests.
This recipe is also very trendy when it comes to seasonal and regional dishes. We can give you a tip for meat from organic, Austrian farming nahgenuss.at recommend, because it is always important to know where our food comes from.


1.6 kg White Beef Scherzel
2 onion
4 carrots
2 yellow beets
1 stick of leek
100g parsnip
½ bunch of parsley
3 bay leaves
4 sprigs of thyme

10 juniper berries
750ml vegetable soup
125 ml Viennese wort
125ml red wine
40g clarified butter
20g tomato paste
2 tsp salt
1 tsp ground pepper


Wash, peel and cut all vegetables into cubes. Rub the meat with salt and pepper and sear it on all sides in oil in a roasting pan. Remove the meat from the roasting pan and set aside.

Now fry the vegetables with the thyme together with the roast residue. After a few minutes, stir in the tomato paste and roast it before deglazing the whole thing with the red wine, the vegetable soup and the Viennese seasoning. Add the meat, juniper and bay leaves to the stock in the roasting pan and let it braise covered in the oven at 160° for 3 hours.

Before serving, the meat is removed from the roasting pan and the bay leaves, juniper and thyme sprigs are removed. Puree the vegetables with the stock and reduce until a creamy root sauce is created. Serve the sauce together with the sliced ​​roast beef.

Most of the classics of Viennese cuisine such as serviette dumplings and red cabbage are suitable as a side dish.

The recipe was by Verena Pelikan (c) sweets & lifestyle developed and photographed.

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