Preiserhöhung 2022

Price increase 2022


One of the cornerstones of our Purity laws is transparency. This not only applies to production, but also to communication. For us, this means that we also address the unpleasant things.

As everyone is now aware, we live in turbulent times. The food market was already very tense before the Russian war of aggression in Ukraine. The disrupted supply chains as a result of Corona have led to a sharp increase in demand for packaging materials in Europe Prices pushed up. We have always only sourced our packaging material from Europe. Not everything needed could be obtained in Austria, but at least within the European Union. On this basis of rising prices, the energy crisis is now coming, triggered by barbarities that we in Europe had hoped to have left behind us over 70 years ago.

In order to not just make a general statement about why we have to raise these prices, we want to give you an insight into our numbers.

Price increase since 2020
Rent including heating + 16% bottles + 37%
Energy (electricity) + 196% Organic soybeans + 22%
logistics + 15% Fuel natural gas car* + 202%
Closures + 52% wages + 10%

*Purchasing a natural gas car sounded quite sensible in 2020. . .

Price increases have occurred for most fixed costs. One of our biggest points is the rent for our production site, which has increased by a full 10% since 2019. Wages and salaries have increased by a total of 10% since our last price adjustment in 2020. Anticipating a closing of 7% this year. When it comes to the second big point, the packaging material, the prices for the closures of the WienerWürze 100ml bottles have increased by 52%, those for the glass packaging by 37% and the situation is no different for cardboard boxes and labels. The same applies to logistics, which has become around 15% more expensive. If we now break these increased costs down to the individual bottle of WienerWürze 100ml, the price would have to be increased by 27%.

Since we can no longer bear these increased costs ourselves without endangering the company itself, we unfortunately have to adjust our prices accordingly.

It is always important to me to produce affordable, regional organic food. When we were able to reduce prices in 2020 due to larger production volumes and lower production costs, we immediately passed this on to our customers and dealers. (e.g.: WienerWürze 100 ml from €4.90 to €3.90)

The current situation makes it economically impossible to maintain current prices. Unfortunately, we are forced to raise prices, but the price increase will still be below the price before 2020. Price Viennese wort 100 ml from November 1st, 2022 €4.80

Karl Severin Traugott

Founder , Genusskoarl

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