Unbelievable, but true: A full third of all food still ends up in the trash can today.* Politicians have also recognized this problem and are therefore honoring start-ups that take action against food waste. Genusskoarl was able to produce the press cake that is produced during the production of Wiener Würze in cooperation with the start-up word of honor. Moments of enjoyment Process it into hearty foods and save it from the bin. This has now been awarded 3rd place.

Whether it's initiatives that are responsible for the fair distribution of food before it is no longer edible, or projects for the recycling of "production waste": young startups have made it their mission to stop food waste.
And this also in Austria: at the forefront of this is the word of honor. Moments of pleasure and pleasure koarl. Their goal is to utilize raw materials in the best possible way.
Among countless submissions, the cooperation between Ehrenwort. Moments of enjoyment and Genusskoarl convinced the jury and were awarded 3rd place. The residue from the lupine seasoning sauce WienerWürze is now used in three products from Ehrenwort. Enjoy moments of enjoyment. In addition to two teriyaki products, a unique umami spice has also been sold since November 2021 - ORF 2 specifically reported on December 20th, 2021.
“ Both the teriyaki products and the umami spice are very popular with our customers and we have already been able to recycle over 1 ton of Genusskoarl’s production residue. says Thomas Gigl, founder and managing director of Ehrenwort. Moments of enjoyment. The resourceful founder was therefore already working on further mixtures in which this production residue could be utilized. “ The aim is that nothing has to be thrown away anymore and that we use the entire production residue in our spice mixtures. “, says Thomas Gigl.
After the success of the two teriyaki products, Thomas Gigl didn't get tired and continued to work. Out came one
incomparable umami spice that has nothing to do with artificial flavor enhancers. In addition to the seasoning powder from the production residue, dried tomato flakes provide additional umami notes. Refined with all sorts of intense spices such as garlic and onion powder and of course the Maggikraut lovage, a very balanced mixture is created. Used sparingly, it spices up sauces, soups, dips, risotto and many other dishes and provides that certain something. A real all-rounder and truly natural flavor enhancer!
*Source: www.zerowasteaustria.at